You may have missed a post or two so why not dig in?
Here are the most popular posts from April – over 5,300 page views…wow!
- 21 Ways Wholesalers Can Shorten The Sales Cycle With Advisors
- 17 Tools Wholesalers Can Use To Get Geeky With Advisors
- 5 Ways Wholesalers Endear Themselves to Advisors For Life
- How Can Wholesalers Sell To Crazy Busy Advisors?
- Four Meetings, Save a Life, Dinner With Rep – Just Another Day
- 7 Ways To Get A New Internal Wholesaler Off To A Fast Start
- Newsflash: Advisors Are Not Opening Your Emails
- Three Impactful Sales Strategies For Wholesalers
- 3 Tips For Wholesalers to Craft Compelling Stories
Lastly, for your amusement, a book I found out in the interwebs:

Do you have a new iPad 2? How about a swanky iPhone or Android smartphone?
I Carry The Bag is now available on all those platforms – so what are you waiting for?
We have over 1000 readers – and we bet some of these are your direct competitors who are learning thing you should know.
Have a great month ahead!