When you consider how to run your territory, do you get ‘dirty in the data’?
What we mean by that is, do you take the opportunity to parse all of the different data points that are available to effectively set up your rotations and zones?
So many wholesalers we talk to are still running by the seat of their pants in their territories.
And when they sit down to actually put zones and rotations together they find themselves at a loss for exactly what types of data they should be looking at.
In a recent discussion with one of our Wholesaler Masterminds Coaching clients, we were speaking about those different data points and which to use to construct the best and most potentially profitable rotations.
For this particular wholesaler, it was first looking at the Barron’s Top 1,000 list, to match that list against sellers and prospects in his territory, as he is in an area of the country well represented by these advisors.
Next he needed to look at the Market Metrics, Meridian IQ, etc. data to understand where the producers were – in which offices, in what cities.
Then he had the opportunity to look at a ‘Fallen Angel’ list of those producers that had not done business over the course of the last year, but had done business in the year prior, and layer those sellers in.
Add in the Top 100 sellers in the territory presently.
Toss in the region’s Top 50 prospects.
Then identify the COIs that always need the love.
From there he needed to go through and carefully map out which firms, from those lists, had brokers in the densest concentration in the various cities in his territory.
Only then did it become clear(er) where he should be spending his most valuable time to maximize his opportunity.
Now rest assured, none of this is easy lifting.
As a matter of fact, it’s very heavy lifting.
But, in order to construct the right zones and rotations in your region, you need to get dirty in the data.
So, do you get dirty?
Pick up Perfecting Your Rotations – Getting Dirty in the Data. It now includes the NEW Wholesaler Masterminds Rotation Builder.