A Public Service Announcement for group members OVER THE AGE OF 45:
Coming to you from the comfy confines of the couch, I’m spending the balance of today replacing calories (read: eating some junk food) after a perfectly uneventful visit to our local hospital.
Eating, while also being confounded by the folks that suggest this procedure I had is anything more that a Propofol induced walk in the park.
You see, the purpose of my visit, and the reason for my outreach to you, are one in the same: to make sure I/you get tested so as not to die from colon cancer.
Though this may seems like an odd forum to air this appeal, I’d beg to differ.
This group has a ton of members right in the colonoscopy sweet spot (+45 with family history, 50 and up without), with schedules and commitments that make putting off this test simple to do.
Here’s what I want you to know:
1) While the preparation for this test isn’t going to be the highlight of your month (year?), drinking a bottle of laxative and staying close to your commode for 12-16 hours is an inconvenience, yes. It’s also neither hard to do nor painful. Heck, I dropped 6 pounds in the process. 😆
2) The most pain I endured today was the prick in my hand when the I.V. line was inserted. For context, my covid shot was a 3 out of 10, pain-wise, this was a 4. And likely because I had the nursing student/trainee doing the job.
3) While rocking the ill-fitting, open-back, hospital gown gave the more modest me pause, the colonoscopy-palooza that I seemed to attend today (all beds full) tells me that the fine medical professionals don’t give one rip about what’s left uncovered.
4) Total time at the hospital was < 2.5 hours.
5) Insurance will cover a big chunk of it.
And, for those keeping score at home, I was clean as a hounds tooth and told to come back in 10 years.
Colorectal cancer is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths in US adults.
It’s also one of the most preventable.
And remember, a clean colon is a happy colon. 🙂