Show up and throw up.
The product puke.
Call it what you will, it is one of the worst behaviors a wholesaler can exhibit – just ask an advisor.
Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
Every wholesaler has had this dilemma:
“Rick” is a great prospect.
He writes a terrific amount of overall business, writes business in your product type/asset class, was open and engaging during the first meeting, works at a focus firm, placed a lit. order with you and promised to get on board and write business.
And that is as good as you have been able to do with Rick.
He’s promised a bunch and he’s not written a thing.
What are some things that you can do to light the fuse with Rick that will ignite his production? [Read more…]