If you are like most wholesalers, you arrive at your next sales meeting anxious to see the 5-7 colleagues that are part of your inner circle, and you’ll leave any other interactions with any other wholesalers to chance.
What about if you tactically planned in advance who you wanted to meet based on set criteria specifically designed to help you grow your practice?
Where they place on the leader board: Seems like the top five wholesalers always get the most attention at the firm – and for good reason. They have monster production and consistency that speaks to their success.
But what about the 2nd or 3rd decile of wholesalers?
What about the wholesaler that is simply 5-7 spots ahead of you on the way to the top?
Chances are, that when they were where you are, they did something that gave them the lift to be where they now stand.
You following along?
Said another way, these are not wholesalers in the rock star stratosphere…yet.
Hence they may be more approachable and willing to exchange ideas.
Geographically desirable: You work in San Francisco.
Is your best tactical target to form a reciprocal relationship with the wholesaler that has the Big Square States (not that they aren’t just as successful!) or the wholesaler that works another metro area – who can relate to big cities, crappy traffic and more aggressive advisors?
The tactical wholesaler will seek out the geographically desirable colleague, as they will forge a more reciprocal relationship.
Tenure: You’ve been at the firm for 6 years.
Can you get great wisdom and knowledge from those who have been there for 25?
Of course!!
But can you form a more relatable relationship with a wholesaler that has been at your firm for 4-7 years?
Yes, because they will be able to add a perspective that the 25 year veteran can’t (or won’t).
And they are on a journey that more closely resembles yours.
Channel: Perhaps you are in the Bank channel.
Or maybe you cover all channels but gravitate to the Wires.
At the sales meeting it’s normally the case that channels hang with like channels.
But the tactical wholesaler knows that there is value in getting a cross channel perspective.
1. Make a list of the wholesalers that meet the screens outlined above.
2. Narrow the list to 2-3 folks.
3. Send them an email before the meeting with an offer the meet.
4. Bring a solid idea, concept, or process that is working for you – because you will give to get.
Make your next sales meeting a focused effort to not just meet more folks at the firm, but to form the right relationships that will mutually benefit and grow your practice.
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