One Great Idea Brought About By Covid-19 1982. That’s the year I bought my first 10 shares of KO – Coca Cola. My advisor was John Snodgrass with Drexel Burnham. [Read more…]
Use Feedly To Manage The Covid-19 Information Tsunami You want to to be of service to your financial advisors. And sourcing solid content and ideas to do so can be a daunting task. Make the task easier with [Read more…]
One Thing That Separates Good Wholesalers From Great Wholesalers – Especially During Extraordinary Events On a recent 15-minute Ask Me Anything call, a wholesaler asked me: “What if everyone is using the ideas you’re sharing at Wholesaler Masterminds®?” [Read more…]
On My Mind: Protecting Your Business During Covid-19: Wide Moat Wholesaling Thoughts from Coach Rob Shore about the art, science and lifestyle of wholesaling, for wholesalers and their leaders. This episode: Protecting Your Business During Covid-19: Wide Moat Wholesaling [Read more…]
And The Wholesaler Award Goes To… Sales conference season. Chances are yours has occurred in the past 90 days. At these annual events, the best wholesalers are recognized for their achievements. [Read more…]