Man it’s hard to stand out at a conference.
How do you attempt to separate yourself and be memorable in a sea of 300 different exhibitors?
In the case of the Schwab IMPACT conference I saw some great efforts.
And two were most memorable.
Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
Man it’s hard to stand out at a conference.
How do you attempt to separate yourself and be memorable in a sea of 300 different exhibitors?
In the case of the Schwab IMPACT conference I saw some great efforts.
And two were most memorable.
Playing off of the wildly popular post 5 Things to Do to Make COIs Love You, in the Winter edition of I Carry The Bag…the official magazine of wholesaling we are doing a feature story on Centers of Influence.
At the beginning of every quarter I ask my coaching clients what successes they were most proud of from the prior quarter’s work.
A mastermind coaching client (we’ll call him Clark) told me a terrific story today and I need to tell you:
Back in March 2010 Clark set up a meeting to visit a Raymond James team with ~$200 million under management. As he is newer to wholesaling he went into the meeting admittedly less prepared than he might have liked, but willing to put it on the line to rope in this team’s business – they were Elephants.
Last week I was at the Birmingham Marriott for a speaking engagement. As is my usual routine I shipped the audience handouts to the hotel with the customary “hold for arrival” indicator on the shipping label.
The morning of my presentation I called the front desk at 9 AM and asked if they had the box. The front desk clerk confirmed they had it and offered to hold it at the front desk until I came down for the gig.
Wholesalers, this all sounds familiar right? You and I have done this part 1000 times.
Then it got strange.
Yeah! Woooo! I just bagged the elephant! – Bud Fox, Wallstreet (1987)
Admit it. You have a wee bit of Bud Fox in you.
In the original Wall Street, Bud had his sights on the Elephant Gordon Gekko.
Every wholesaler wants to bag a Gordon Gekko-like Elephant, the huge producer, the corner office king.
Because an Elephant can single handedly make your year, catapult you up the production ranking and make you a hero in the Firm damn fast.