What exactly do financial advisors want from wholesalers?
On a previous Wholesaler Masterminds Radio show we went Inside the Mind of the Financial Advisor with Bill Smith.
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What exactly do financial advisors want from wholesalers?
On a previous Wholesaler Masterminds Radio show we went Inside the Mind of the Financial Advisor with Bill Smith.
This article is from the Fall 2011 issue of The American College’s Wealth Channel Magazine:
It presents ideas for advisors on how to best partner with wholesalers.
Enjoy the read.
Five Ways Advisors Can Use Wholesalers to Get to Their Own Retirement – Wealth Channel Winter 2011 by Rob Shore on Scribd
Maybe you are a seasoned veteran that has lost a bit of your moxie.
Maybe you are a young wholesaler just starting out, somewhat tentatively, on the career journey.
In either case, developing a strong PVP – Peerless Value Proposition® can be just the medicine that you require to harness the confidence that you need.