Can open and honest communication increase your business?
Can you influence advisors without “authority” over them?
Is lying by omission lying?
Is there an increased need to be more honest today – and have that be a strategic business advantage?
Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
Many of you have been wholesaling for a long time.
And, if you are like me, you are experiencing the gyrations of the market with a mixture of disbelief (20% corrections in one month?) and more than a touch of fatigue (another day, another wild ride?).
Well, with the market continuing it’s turbulent ways into the foreseeable future, great wholesalers are figuring out ways to succeed regardless of market conditions.
Years ago there was a running joke that I had with a friend in our business.
As we would sit and catch up, both excited to share the events of the day/week, one of us would finish speaking and then look at the other and say, “But enough about me, let’s talk about me!”
And sometimes wholesalers, in fact all sales professionals, are guilty of a misguided focus.