The Evolution of ChatGPT and AI: How Can Wholesalers Take Advantage of Emerging Technology?

Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
AI is all the rage.
If you’re thinking what we’re thinking, there is no way that this doesn’t change the game of wholesaling, in some fashion, over time.
At Wholesaler Masterminds® we have have been leaning all the way into the technology to bring you these ideas to enable you to apply AI to your practice.
Here’s some of what we’ve learned so far – and there’s sure to be so much more to come.
We’re just getting started, so be sure to check back from time to time to see what we may have added.
As always, our number one objective is to help you move from good wholesaler to great wholesaler.
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At the heart of ChatGPT is the inquiry that you submit, called a PROMPT.
Bad prompts = bad output = unimpressed/frustrated user.
Large Language Models like ChatGPT are extremely powerful, but are built in a way that encourages people to use them in the wrong way. When I talk to people who tried ChatGPT but didn’t find it useful, I tend to hear a similar story.” Ethan Mollick
With the proliferation of ChatGPT, it follows that there is no shortage of experts and guides.
Here are a couple of resources we recommend:
Ethan Mollick is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He studies entrepreneurship & innovation, as well as how we can better learn and teach.
In this guide he “wants to try to show you some of why AI is powerful, in ways both exciting and anxiety-producing.”
With a hat tip to our friends at Coinflip Marketing for the lead, this guide will make you head explode.
For a total of $1 you get 128 (and counting) ChatGPT guides.
From the authors’ About section:
Who the hell am I?
I started sharing (stupid) posts on Linkedin on the 1st May 2022.
In November 2022, I was sending (stupid) poems using a little chatbot that just got released. Something called “ChatGPT”. You might have heard of it.
From January to March 2023, I started sharing (not so stupid) carousels to my community. I reached more than 14M people, and attracted close to 100k followers.
Get the The Complete ChatGPT Prompt Pack and/or follow the author at LinkedIn: Ruben Hassid
What if your PVP-Peerless Value Proposition® was assisting advisors with capturing the emerging wealth of Millennials?
What if you wanted to craft a quick email to demonstrate your competency in this area, and ask for an appointment?
What if you used ChatGPT to help mold that email?
Are you familiar with This Month In History birthday cards?
Well, how about creating a This Day in History personalized email, customized for your client, based on the DAY of birth?
This step-by-step guide will show you exactly how to do it!
Recently I was speaking to a wholesaler who was inquiring about Wholesaler Masterminds® Copywriting. He expressed his lack of creativity when it came to email subject lines (so, so important as you know).
One remedy is to use ChatGPT – the question is: How to use ChatGPT EFFECTIVELY to write subject lines that you can use?
Are all of these homeruns? No.
Are they a great start towards using a subject line that gets your email opened? I’ll let you be the judge.
BTW: If you need help crafting emails that get opened, read, and replied to we have you covered at Wholesaler Masterminds® Copywriting
Upload a full length PDF document to ChatPDF.
Once uploaded you can ask questions regarding the content of the PDF.
In this video we have used a full length (15-page) Merrill Lynch Viewpoint monthly report.
The Free version of ChatPDF currently offers:
Let’s say you call on Merrill. And, as a great wholesaler, you’d like to stay abreast of the Monthly CIO Viewpoint so you can align your discussions with the global Merrill outlook.
Here’s the report: Merrill Viewpoint
PROBLEM: Like most wholesalers you are awash in reports (and a ton of other stuff) to read.
So, here’s what you can do:
Tell ChatGPT-4 (it’s called a “prompt”) to: Summarize this article. Your output should be in bullet point format.
Press enter.
Here is the ChatGPT4 output in the image below.
Lather, rinse, repeat for Morgan Stanley, your best RIA prospects monthly outlook (from their website), etc.
Advisors have the best intentions when it comes to client communication.
Often the issue boils down to:
Enter you, the well informed wholesaler.
Provide your advisor with these directions and they’ll be creating monthly client communications quickly and efficiently.
If you were wishing to create a video that you could use for clients or prospects to showcase one of your product or services, there was a time when you would need to search out the following professionals to assist you (partial list) and the process would have taken weeks to complete:
Today, AI has made possible to do a video with a spokesperson in minutes.
Here’s are examples of videos we’ve recently done:
Humorous video for Wholesaler Masterminds® Schedulers
Promotional video for WOWvitations™
Short explainer video for Wholesaler Masterminds® Copywriting
Use your own image or use their avatars. Select voice and tone to fit your message.
Search 1000+ AI tools to find the perfect one for your needs at AI Library
Personalized AI Videos to
Boost Email and SMS
Record one video and
send millions of personalized videos to your customers with
AI powered summaries from YouTube videos. Available as a Chrome Extension. Visit
Make studio-quality voice overs in minutes. Use Murf’s lifelike AI voices for podcasts, videos, and all your professional presentations with
Get an AI meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, automatically captures slides, and generates summaries.
Supernormal helps you create amazing meeting notes without lifting a finger. Works with Zoom and Microsoft teams.
Create a beautiful resume quickly with the help of AI and our customizable templates. A perfect resume created in minutes with
Do you have must-use AI applications that we should check out? Please let us know! Email us at info[at]
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