She was a private coaching client.
And she lamented that she was getting confused.
Or, more appropriately, she was getting distracted and losing focus.
Distracted by the amount of messaging that comes at her from the home office.
Not that the home office messaging was either wrong nor bad, it’s just that the volume of data/ideas were causing her the trouble.
Yes, the weekly sales calls were packed with routinely good, and often amazing, ideas.
As were the twice-monthly check-in meetings she had with her boss.
As were the quarterly sales meetings she had with her divisional team.
As were the bi-annual national sales meetings.
The good news: there’s an avalanche of product, sales, and economic data coming at her.
The bad news: it’s too easy for her to lose focus.
To switch gears prematurely.
To not allow a concept, a story, or a sales idea to take root.
Great wholesalers have the ability to stay focused, have conviction in their stories, and allow time for those stories to breathe.
This post was originally published in the Wholesaler Masterminds Sunday Night Email.