You can choose to do things as you always have and email/voicemail into the huge echo chamber of your targeted producers and prospects.
Or, you could take the risk that the market is screaming for new, innovative, creative and fun ideas – even in our buttoned up world of financial services.
The Challenge
How does an annuity wholesaler with a new product launch get ‘air time’ with both high value Fallen Angels and coveted prospects?
The Promotion
Tapping into his lesser used creative brain, together we crafted a snail mail promo. In order to highlight the extraordinary flexibility of the new product we chose to use Gumby and Pokey.
The Results
The wholesaler mailed 50 packages.
In a week he has already scheduled 10 appointments.
PLUS business written immediately:
PLUS engaging images from advisors:
PLUS voice messages from advisors:
The Question
What are you doing, or planning to do, that will engage your clients and prospects in a way that lifts you and your wholesaling efforts out of The Sea of Sameness?