We ran a quick survey in two different wholesaler groups on LinkedIn to find out how wholesalers are feeling about their sales goal in the year ahead.
Archives for January 2012
Things That Wholesalers In Job Transition Should Know
If you are a wholesaler in transition then you might know that the road to working with an executive recruiter and understanding how to properly use social media in your search can be slippery indeed.
Fortunately we have this recording for you.
How Do Wholesalers Build Loyalty With Advisors? – Shep Hyken
On a LinkedIn Group I saw the following comment and knew that, as a community of wholesalers, we have a long way to go to change the perceptions of most advisors:
The Dreaded Wholesaler
We are not sure where this video originated [though the clues tell us it’s a bank advisor in Texas] – but it contains many kernels of truth.