Maybe it’s the season.
The crazy busyness brought on by folks doubling down on activity in a last minute push to meet annual sales targets.
Or, it could be a lack of time management skills.
Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
Do you remember Dudley Do-Right?
A cartoon character from the 1960’s, he was the dim-witted, cheerful and conscientious Canadian Mountie that fell hopelessly for his love interest Nell.
In episode after episode Dudley was seen defending Nell from the evil Snidely Whiplash.
What’s this got to do with wholesaling you ask?
Between July 21 and August 2 Wholesaler Masterminds® conducted a survey of our US and Canada based community. We requested survey responses through direct email outreach, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
We received 847 total responses. In addition we received over 800 written comments.
This is Part 4 of our effort to provide you with an overview of the Survey results.