We have great clients at Wholesaler Masterminds and they always get me thinking.
Last week it was a discussion about the conflict wholesalers face regarding the quest for money, the desire to reach the top of the leader board and having a life.
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There was a thread recently started at LinkedIn in the Wholesaler Masterminds Group about iPad apps.
Naturally we needed to chime in.
Here are the apps that we are using most frequently – both on our iPad and/or iPhone. Some apps may not be optimized for both platforms. All comments extracted from the app’s iTunes listing.
Last year I was introduced to The Energy Bus and Jon Gordon from a coaching client of mine.
After reading his book I knew I wanted to share his insights with our community here at Wholesaler Masterminds.
NASA’s rover Curiosity successfully carried out a complicated landing on Mars and most astonishingly they found signs of life in the form of our wholesaling ancestors on the Red Planet.
Among the archives found: