Maybe you’ve been here before.
Well, not exactly here (this is a once in a lifetime event), but close(ish).
Or, maybe this is your first ‘major event’, as you are new to carrying the bag.
Either way, surely we are all strengthening (or perhaps building) muscles as we move through this time and place.
Grit: ‘Firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger’, says Merrriam-Webster.
Your job, in the best of times, requires a stick-to-it-iveness that many cannot muster.
In times like this, it can define the future wholesaler you will be.
Creativity: Great wholesalers are finding ways to break through the communication onslaught.
They are using mediums (email, voice mail, video and even snail mail) and messaging that convey insights and information in way that stands out.
And most have learned how to effectively navigate some of these channels for the first time.
Patience: You are built for the here and now.
You thrive on immediacy and seeing output from your input.
Much of what you are doing today can’t be quantified via dollars in the door – but it’s still having important impact.
What muscles have you strengthened?
What new muscles have you built?
This post was originally published in the Wholesaler Masterminds Sunday Night Email.