Some skills that wholesalers employ really separate the men from the boys, the posers from the superstars, the wheat from the……well you get the idea.
One of those advanced skills is Forward Scheduling.
Picture this sequence of events:
Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
Based on the book titles alone you know that our guest for this episode of Wholesaler Masterminds Radio is coming at you straight and fast.
Titles such as Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life, It’s Called Work For a Reason, People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It are just a few of the New York Times Best Sellers that Larry Winget has written.
You’ve got your appointment agenda in hand.
You have time blocked your meeting to insure the best possible use of the advisors time.
And then the one question comes your way that puts you on the defensive and blows the whole meeting.
Email from us, yes! Sell your info, hell no!
Over 30 years of distribution experience provides the knowledge and granular insights Rob's clients require to assist them with their practices - whether working one on one, in groups, or live events; with senior leaders or frontline wholesalers. [Read More or Contact Us]