If you purchase any monthly scheduling package consisting of 20 or 30 hours, you will receive 10 hours of Wholesaler Masterminds Virtual Assistants services at no additional charge.
If you purchase 40 or more hours of scheduling, you will receive 15 hours of Wholesaler Masterminds Virtual Assistants services at no additional charge*.
Want to take advantage of this Black Friday offer?
Contact Melanie at 888-507-0779 x101 or info@wmmschedulers.com
Need more info on Wholesaler Masterminds Schedulers?
The full story can be found here.
Purchase the NEW Wholesaler Masterminds Rotation Builder and save a ton of time and some cash.
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Hundreds of wholesalers now write emails that get opened, read and acted upon – and now you can too.
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*Agreements for Scheduling and VA hours must be signed and paid for by December 7th 2014, but can be used any time in the next 60 days.
Services can be used separately if you would like a VA for the holidays but need or want to hold off on scheduling until January or vice versa.
Valid for new Wholesaler Masterminds Scheduling clients only. Offer not valid for corporate clients
All Black Friday Offers End Sunday 12/7/2014