Ever heard of the freshman 15?
While you may be associating this weight gain phenomenon with the first year of college, the truth is that a wholesaler’s first year in the field is subject to the same perils.
And some wholesalers never recover.
Where Good Wholesalers Become Great Wholesalers • Wholesaler Coaching • Wholesaler Training • Wholesaler Keynote Speaker
How much do economic events affect your state of mind?
When your product isn’t living up to it’s hype and your clients are getting antsy what do you do to stay positive?
Do you allow yourself to fall prey to a victim mentality?
Given the current state of market turmoil now’s a good great time to introduce you to Kyle Maynard.
After the week that was August 8-12, 2011 you’re likely in need of some comic relief.
And we would be doing you a disservice if that humor didn’t contain business messages for you to consider.
Enter Jeff Havens.
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Perhaps you know that I Carry The Bag covers the art, science and lifestyle of wholesaling.
And wine covers all three, wouldn’t you agree?
So it stands to reason that working with your financial advisor to create a most memorable, client facing, wine event makes a ton of sense.
The problem is too many wholesalers are not quite sure where to start.